Code:Breaker Wiki


Should there be sub-headers for each volume, like this?:

==Volume 1==

==Volume 2==


==Chapters Not Yet in a Volume==

I had started to do that, then panicked when the Chapters Not Yet in a Volume wasn't turning into a sub-header, and thought that I had too many sub-headings, and so I combined it like it is now. --DQ13 ~ An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, and a golden slaughter of retribution. 20:55, May 22, 2012 (UTC)

You should seperate by volumes.
M+W Talk 21:00, May 22, 2012 (UTC)
Done~. --DQ13 ~ An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, and a golden slaughter of retribution. 21:05, May 22, 2012 (UTC)


I would appreciate it if you'd discuss changing the title before changing it, next time ^_^. I prefer listening to other people's reasoning before going ahead with it.

I think that the former title (Chapter List) is better; it sounds sort of awkward and redundant to call it "Volumes and Chapters". After all, this is a list of the chapters in the series, separated by Volume. We don't call Rei Ogami "History, Appearance, Personality, Abilities, and Relationships of Rei Ogami".

Also, this list was designed for the Chapter Infobox, and it looks better as "Chapter List", as the Volumes part was already covered in the section above it (See Witnessing the Beginning). --DQ13 ~ An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, and a golden slaughter of retribution. 02:21, May 23, 2012 (UTC)

Oh, I didn't think it was a big deal -_-. I named it that because that is exactly what it is. I'll discuss it next time. (I've never really been on a wiki where people talk to each other).
M+W Talk 04:41, May 23, 2012 (UTC)
It's not that big a deal, I was just wondering what your logic was; after all, a Chapter List is also exactly what it is XD.
I've been on a wide assortment of Wikis; my last big Wiki (on which I am a Bureaucrat) is a rather large community, and although renaming things isn't that big a deal, it's usually "required" that users put a reason for the renaming to prevent renaming wars. --DQ13 ~ An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, and a golden slaughter of retribution. 18:40, May 23, 2012 (UTC)
Okay so next time I'll do that.
M+W Talk 05:13, May 24, 2012 (UTC)